Missed Conceptions About Jesus October 30, 2021November 10, 2021 truthunshackled_65suut Share on facebookTweet on twitter 23 Created on October 30, 2021 Misconceptions About Jesus 1 / 4 Jesus was a blond haired, blue eyed man. True False No physical description of Jesus has been preserved by history, so no accurate rendition of his image is possible. The Bible only tells us that he was not an attractive man. The people of his time had ruddy completions, and he had both Jewish and mixed race ancestry, so it is highly unlikely that he was blue eyed and blond haired. 2 / 4 Jesus would support gun rights today. True False Jesus famously said that those who live by the sword will die by the sword. Jesus chastised Peter when he raised his sword and cut off the soldier's ear in defense of Jesus. 3 / 4 Jesus hated immigrants. True False Jesus was an immigrant himself when his family fled to Egypt when he was a child. Jesus used the Good Samaritan as an example of proper conduct toward your neighbor. 4 / 4 Jesus wants his followers to be rich. True False Jesus said of himself that "the son of man has nowhere to lay his head", meaning he was homeless. Jesus was not wealthy, and nowhere stated that he expected his followers to be wealthy. However, he did indicate that there were early rewards to becoming a follower of his. Your score isThe average score is 82% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz