Bible Missed Conceptions October 30, 2021October 30, 2021 truthunshackled_65suut Share on facebookTweet on twitter 16 Created on October 30, 2021 Bible Missed Conceptions 1 / 5 The Bible is anti-abortion. True False Unclear The Bible's position on abortion is unclear, since there are few references to it in the Old or New Testaments. It can be argued from the book of Samuel that life begins at conception, however it can also be argued that this reference was to Samuel alone. However, it is clear that the modern anti-abortion movement has to rely upon indirect arguments, since the Bible says so little about the subject. 2 / 5 The Bible requires church members to tithe 10% of their gross income to the church. True False The Old Testament Tithe was food, not money, that was imposed upon Old Testament landowners. It was part of the Old Testament law that was done away with by the First Century church. There is no evidence that Jesus, Paul, or any of the Apostles tithed. Paul instituted a system of giving a percentage of one's monetary income to the church, but he did not specify an amount. Some churches teach that 10% is a reasonable amount, though Paul's intent seems to be that wealthier members should give more, and poorer members give less. 3 / 5 The Bible supports slavery as we understand the term today. True False The Bible supported servanthood of conquered people, which did not resemble the chattel slavery experienced in the Americas. Biblical slaves were considered fully human, and had limited human rights, while American black slaves were considered 3/5 of a human. Jewish "slaves" were set free after seven years, or could buy their freedom. Slavery obviously is abhorrent in any context. 4 / 5 The Bible supports the slavery of black Americans, because of the sin of Ham. True False An old trope that still has some traction today. The truth is that Noah cursed Canaan, Ham's son, and said that his descendants would be slaves. This "prophecy" was fulfilled when the Jews conquered the Canaan lands. It has no relevance to today. 5 / 5 The Bible supports the oppression of immigrant populations. True False In the Bible, many people of non-Jewish races intermarried with people of the Jewish race. Rahab, Ruth, and many other people of non-Jewish heritage are part of the lineage of Jesus himself. God made Mariam's skin white with leprosy because she spoke against Moses marrying a black woman. Your score isThe average score is 61% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz