Intro: The Missing Pieces

Worth: The Missing Pieces

Tonight parents everywhere will be reading their children bedtime stories to help them fall off to sleep.
But in some households, it is a special night. Because some of the more courageous of those parents will be reading them a different bedtime story. About a very special people. A people who once were, and may yet be again…

These were a principled people, who believed in the struggling together for the common good…. A people who worked to build and protect diverse communities. A people who built roadways, highways, freightways, and railways, and believed in supporting and funding these effort for their own, and their children’s futures…

A people who believed in protecting the vulnerable, the young, and the old, the sick, and the poor. A people who worked to protect the environment, and cherished their children’s future, as much as their own.

A people who believed in equal justice, regardless of race, class, or social standing…

Because the parents who read this story to their children, are parents…

who want their children to know, the rest of the story…